Plummeting Facebook Organic Numbers

diversifyNow is the time to rethink your social media if you are focusing solely on facebook.

Here is an article from Social Media Today regarding the plummeting 1-2% of viewers who will organically see the posts you put together: 

So you are a small business or non-profit What should you do?

Some ideas below:

– I would use a program like hoot suite because you are going to need to hit multiple venues. Nothing will be the same with facebook unless you are paying. Facebook is moving from social media to published advertising. They are a business it is their way to stay viable.

– If Hoot Suite isn’t for you, I would make sure your Facebook feed is posting auto to twitter. Why do double work?

– I would put a “blog” on your website and be the Content owner of what you are creating. Push this blog to post automatically to feed to the social media spots. 2014 is going to be the year of Content. Fans and Followers will become picky about what they really want to see repetitively.

-Setup a free MailChimp account and ask folks to sign up for your e-letter.  Folks want value and content. This is a great way to show quick snippets of your blog posts to help those who don’t visit your site regularly, but show them what they are missing.

These are just a few ideas off the top of my head.

Whatever you do,  Be Creative!

Having that idea that WOWs will put you at the top of the interest field.

Jump in there with both feet, but schedule yourself a set time to do so.

Content and Organization will be 2014 important factors.
