E-Letters & MailChimp
There are many different software for e-letters. Let’s talk about using MailChimp. MailChimp is an easy to use and free (with a few limitations) software. They offer some phenomenal items like Chimpadeedoo and scheduled emails. If you want a simple program to get your e-letter campaign started I highly recommend. If you have a question or a how-to on using MailChimp, let me know and I will be happy to do a quick video on my youtube Channel to get your through the learning.
Why an e-letter list and not just facebook? For those really important times and offers, an e-letter is an excellent way to go. On Facebook if your posts are many and not relevant you can still be “liked” and also be “ignored” which means you have been taken out of someone’s newsfeed. When those facebook statistics show that only a few have seen a post, some of this is because of the dreaded ignore. Sending an e-letter is something your potentials will see in their inbox and you can see who actually opened, clicked or read an item. This gives you a person you know has shown interest and help you in your progress for future sales.
Timeliness. I highly recommend not over using your e-letter list. Save it for those times you really want to say something. SPAM can be overwhelming and folks will unsubscribe. Stick with every other week or once a month. It used to be that e-letters had a 24 to 48 hour window of readership. Nowadays that readership number statistically has show to have moved up to a window of 5 days when individuals have extra time to read.
Like my Facebook page or follow my blog for more information about e-letters. For instance.. when is the best time to send? how long should my e-letter be? how to add a signup page to your facebook page and more topics are coming.
For now setup your MailChimp account and…
PS. All, None and Some may be affiliate links on my site. This MailChimp link is being posted because I HAVE used the software and I do think it is awesome. I have also helped others use it. So it is a no-brainer for me to offer you this affiliate link which , if you go paid for some reason?, will add $30 to your mailchimp account and mine. Great software and enjoy!